
88箇所 写ログ
Shikoku pilgrimage 88 and bangai 20


一宮の天然温泉きららを発つ  2013.04.09  05:22

11号線新川に架かる新川大橋に4差し掛かる、前方に見えるのが屋島  2013.04.09  07.28

新川大橋欄干のレリーフ源平合戦で弓の名手那須与一  2013.04.09  07.29

更に東側には扇の的のレリーフ  2013.04.09  07.30

11号線屋島西町の陸橋のところを左折して  2013.04.09  07.31

琴平電鉄の線路を潟元駅のところで越え14号線を北上すると道池  2013.04.09  07.42

道池と屋島  2013.04.09  07.42

これより屋島への登山道  2013.04.09  07.47

道脇の石仏  2013.04.09  07.50

歩き遍路には脇の自然道が歩きやすい  2013.04.09  07.53

弘法大師屋島御加持水  2013.04.09  07.56

加持水  2013.04.09  07.56
Tradition says that with this water Kobo-Daishi held a religious service in honor of Buddha and performed indications. Even if ponds and well water in the various parts of the country run dry owing to a drought, this spring water never ceases to flow. And the handwriting inscribed in the stone monument by the roadside is said to be Kobo-Daishi's.

加持水からしばらく上ると食わずの梨   2013.04.09  08:09

食わずの梨  2013.04.09  08:09
When the Monk Kukai (Kobo-Daishi) climbed Yashima, he saw some ripe pears and asked for one from an old peasant, the owner of the pear tree. But the peasant told a lie, "They look good to eat, but in fact they are uneatable." and refused to let him have any.
It is said that afterwards the pears became hard like a stone and were not fit for eating.

食わずの梨休憩所   2013.04.09  08:10

食わずの梨からの屋島登山道  2013.04.09  08:10

畳石 2013.04.09  08:15

  2013.04.09  08:16 
 「宿りしてここに仮寝のたたみ石 月はこよひの主なりけり」(文化屋島46号から引用)

畳石のある登山道  2013.04.09  08:16

屋島登山回数番付表なるものがありました  2013.04.09  08:23


84番屋島寺 ( Nanmenzan Yashimaji, 84th of Shikoku 88 ) H286m
第84番札所 南面山 屋島寺 (なんめんざん やしまじ) 
本尊 十一面千手観世音菩薩 (じゅういちめんせんじゅかんぜおんぼさつ 伝、弘法大師作 
真言  「おん ばざらたらま きりく そわか」
開基  鑑真和上 
宗派  真言宗御室派
御詠歌 あづさゆみ やしまのてらに けふでつつ いのりをかけて いさむもののふ

↖  84番屋島寺(ヤシマジ)境内図

84番屋島寺山門前  2013.04.09  08:24

84番屋島寺山門  2013.04.09  08:24

84番屋島寺山門から四天門への参道  2013.04.09  08:25

84番屋島寺山門の仁王像  2013.04.09  08:25

84番屋島寺山門の仁王像  2013.04.09  08:25

84番屋島寺の四天門  2013.04.09  08:35
Yashima Temple was first opened by Ganzin, a Chinese priest of Ritsu sect. Kuhatsu.one of his followers was the first priest put in charge of this temple. Later the Temple was converted into Shingon sect by grand priest Kobo. Yashima is 84th Temple of the 88 pilgrimage Temples on Shikoku. The image of the Temple is the goddess of mercy called the Senju Kannon or the thousand hand Kannon. It was carved in the earlier stage of Heian. The main hall was built at the end Kamakura period. Both are important cultural assets of Japan.
A white stone gravelled snow garden lies in the back of Temple behind the library. The bell hanging at the belfry was made in the second year of Jo-o early in Kamakura Era. Relics of the Genji and Heike battle are displayed. In the treasure hall Minpyama Myojin a smaller shirine near the Temlpe is noted for the folklore of the Yashima badger.

四天門の四天王  2013.04.09  08:36

四天門からの屋島寺本堂   2013.04.09  08:36

四天門の脇、本堂前の鐘楼  2013.04.09  08:54

屋島寺境内の五重の石塔  2013.04.09  08:54

屋島寺の本堂   2013.04.09  08:55

屋島寺の本堂  2013.04.09  08:55

屋島寺の本堂と本尊十一面観音の説明板  2013.04.09  08:55

狸で有名な蓑山(みのやま)明神の社  2013.04.09  08:55

蓑山大明神の由来  屋島太三郎狸   2013.04.09  08:56
The story of Minoyama Daimyozin, The Yashima tasaburo Badger
In the ald days when the grand priest Kobo opended the 88 pilgrimage Temples on Shikoku, He lost his way in foggy Yashima and met an old man wearing a straw rain coat, who guided him to the peak of Mountain.
It is believed that the old Man was the figure of the Yashima Tasaburo Badger's metamorphosis.
The Yashima Tasaburo badger is noted for being one of 3 badgers in Japan., together with the Danzaburo badger of Sado island and the Shibaemon badger of Awaji island. It was the messenger of the Senji-Kannon or the Thousand-Hand Kannon found in the mail hall, enshrined preciously because he did a lot of goodness as the tutelary god and was respected as the general head of badgers in Shikoku. The legendary skill of the sophisticated metamorphosis stood unchallenged throughout Japan.
The Yashima Tasaburo badger was also considered to be a monogamist and is respected as a god of peaceful Families, marriages and the restaurant business.
Believers who wish to have babies and good luck visit the Yashima Tasaburo badger from all over Japan.

84番屋島寺の大師堂   2013.04.09  08:56

84番屋島寺の大師堂   2013.04.09  08:56

84番屋島寺のとう東大門   2013.04.09  08:58

瑠璃宝の池(血の池)  2013.04.09  08:59

瑠璃宝の池(血の池)   2013.04.09  09:00

瑠璃宝の池の脇を東へ  2013.04.09  09:00

屋島案内図  2013.04.09  09:03

源平合戦の古戦場である壇の浦  2013.04.09  09:03

屋島の南嶺と牟礼町方面     2013.04.09  09:03

源平合戦案内図  2013.04.09  09:04

眼下の源平合戦古戦場、壇の浦  2013.04.09  09:05

元ホテル甚五郎の飼い猫  2013.04.09  09:06